Reflections on Book Expo America 2014


I am still reeling from a wonderful few days in New York City at Book Expo America.  After working on a book for years, it was a treat to share with readers. I was pleased that so many people dropped by to say hello and pick up an Advanced Reader copy of How To Climb The Eiffel Tower. We ran out of paperback copies of the book. Luckily I had a notebook in my bag, so readers could leave me their email addresses. We will send the fifty or so people who were still waiting in line an ebook version of the ARC.

If you are a book blogger or reviewer and are interested in receiving an advanced reader copy, you can ask for one here.

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7 thoughts on “Reflections on Book Expo America 2014

  1. Congratulations Eliabeth! I can see it went really well. You deserve it! Can’t wait to read How to Cilmb the Eiffel Tower! But tell us more about this unique experience! I hope I’m able to sign copies of my book…one day…

    1. I think there will be opportunities to get some Advanced Reader Copies over the next few months. Keep reading here or you can always join my mailing list (click on the postcard in upper right to go to the form).

  2. That must have been great! You had great turn out.
    I wanted to attend BEA this year, but it wasn’t to be. I’m glad it worked out well for you.

  3. This is such a wonderful accomplishment. I can’t wait to read it. Best wishes for continued success!

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